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The Bright side of Pandemic

A grim wave of pandemic sucked the life out of innocent people & triggered anxiety in the ones who are alive. Around the world, the lives of people have turned upside down, but no matter how cloudy the sky appears, you can always find a silver lining in it.

Despite the difficulties brought onto us by Pandemic, we can’t overlook how it helped us become a better person. The world before the pandemic was quite different as everyone was busy running the rat race; giving each other a cut-throat competition, but with the virus invading the world, the running pace decreases. The worldwide lockdown gave a lot of time to people to nurture themselves.

The world is very much still struggling to gain a victory over covid-19, and the only way to cope with it without losing our sanity is to focus on the bright side of the pandemic.

Well, you must be wondering, how can one focus on the bright side when the whole world is amid a health crisis? 

The answer is simple – In the equation of life, having a positive mindset is the only way to make it through the not-so-good times.

So what are the good things that came out of this pandemic?

#1. A break from the hectic schedule

For most of us, life before the pandemic was full of rushing into meetings or getting work done under tight deadlines. We all have spent days & nights working on our workstations with little to no time to spend with the family. Now, the pandemic situation has positively impacted our lives by giving us ample time to reconnect with our family & loved ones. It has given us a much-needed break from our hectic work schedule & given us a significant amount of extra time. Well, the health care sector is an exception as they are working day & night to save the lives of people.

#2. Reflect & reconsider

The covid-19 situation has undoubtedly brought chaos into our lives, but it has also provided us ample time to reflect on our habits & make changes. Now that you are not allowed to go out to dine or party with friends, you can take up this time to make changes in your routine to lead a better & blissful life. Reflect on what you do and why you do it, it will help in giving you a clear picture of your life.

#3. Revival of nature

We, humans, are best at taking things for granted as it is us only who add carbon footprints in the environment that deteriorate the health of mother earth. Now, with lockdown imposed all around the world, nature has started its healing journey. The covid-19 situation has collapsed the carbon emission in nature to some extend which is helping nature to revive.

Although pandemic has slowed down the lives of people, it has a positive side too. Just like any difficult situation, the smarter way to cope up with a pandemic is by embracing its positive side.

Undoubtedly, covid-19 has a huge dark side but sometimes, you just need to patiently wait for the storm to pass, while focusing on the silver lining.